Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Persecuting Christians for Sport

So now comes James Cameron, the Titanic guy, to claim Jesus married Mary Magdalene, had children, and was buried in an upper-class family tomb in Jeruselem, making the New Testament a pack of lies. How does this get any attention at all? Because millions of intelligent, secular liberal Americans have had it with Christianity, especially the Christianity that bonds together to elect George Bush president. If Christians are responsible for Bush and Iraq, then damn them. You go Cameron! You go Dan Brown and Tom Hanks! Down with Mel Gibson and other neo-Nazi Jew haters! The culture wars continue in full scream.

Cameron gets serious attention for a related reason. Its just lots of fun to watch Christians get so worked up over the latest assault on their faith. And the irony of piling on the Christian faith at a time when the entire Western World, without exception, is super-sensitive about saying anything negative about Islam’s greatest prophet—oh, such rich and lovely irony! Isn’t the stiff-necked world of 1957, the world of Hillary’s parents, so wonderfully, joyfully upside-down!

Seriously, seriously, it is impossible for a calm, thinking person to treat Cameron seriously. One understands how relics helped the Catholic hierarchy provide something concrete for illiterate peasants to hold onto, but Christianity isn’t about relics. It’s about the New Testament-- important documents written within two generations of Jesus’ death. Jesus lived, and non-Christain, near-contemporary Romans wrote about his crucifixion. Jesus may not have bodily risen to sit at God’s right hand. But everybody around him thought he did, and it’s the most important single belief in Christianity. So the people who hid his body must have wanted that site kept very secret.

Cameron’s tomb relics are for ignorant non-believers who are the 21st Century’s mirror image of the Church’s peasant-worshippers of Jesus’ prepuce.

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