Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Daschle Bye Bye

So Daschle has withdrawn his name, as I suggested he might a few hours ago (midnight Hawaii). I knew liberal commentator Marie Cocco had a powerful case against him, knew George Stephanopoulos, in saying on "ABC World News" last night that Daschle would survive, provided the amazing reason that many of his Democratic colleagues also had cars with drivers and didn’t want that a basis for dropping Daschle (such an “inside the Beltway” justification screams the guy’s in trouble), and knew from Nina Easton of Fortune that White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs was drilled by reporters at yesterday’s press briefing who kept saying "Well, is there any amount of back taxes that is too much?”

But what I didn’t know was the New York Times had called for Daschle’s withdrawal in this morning’s paper. Obviously, Daschle and the Obama people still have to listen to the “Times”.

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