Saturday, May 30, 2009

My “Eureka!” Moment

Democrats rule through special interest groups, including the Hispanic minority that figures in the Sotomayor appointment. Organizing people into groups leads to gaining the votes of people as members of groups.

Above the groups sits the American national elite. Its members meet each other in college, and move from college to top positions in academia, the bureaucracy, knowledge-based business, the media, the “Third Sector,” and entertainment and the arts. They acquire and maintain power through the Democratic Party, the party of the new class. Their numbers are too few (hey, this is an elite!) to vote in leaders on their own. The votes come from the special interests. The Democrats act on behalf of the people the special interest groups represent, and pay lip service to democracy. But within the elite, they fully understand they are a minority controlling a majority, a contortion that requires continuous deception and propaganda.

America is the land of equal opportunity. It’s right that those who work hard rise to the top. Before Democrats gained full control of America in 1932, an unselfconscious elite based on wealth including inherited wealth ruled through the Republican Party. Republicans regained some power, never total domination, in the 1968-2008 period when Democrats and their government at various times failed to deliver peace or prosperity.

But now it seems (Eureka!) Democrats so dominate the elite [see chart] that Republicans have no choice. They must organize the people themselves to overcome elite rule. The people v. the elite. I think gaining popular support starts with understanding that a nearly united elite has coalesced to run the country, believing in some updated version of the “philosopher-king” rule Plato advocated in The Republic. Plato opposed democracy, just as he opposed rule by the wealthy. The new class believes wise people should rule, for the benefit of all.

How many Americans oppose elite rule, and want power devolved to individuals, not elite-run groups? People want power in their own hands; democracy. As Churchill said, "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."

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