Saturday, April 03, 2010

You Really Did See It Here First

Greg Sheridan (no, I don’t know him either, but he sure has his head screwed on right) today writes
Obama has decided to abandon any serious effort to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. He is determined instead to live with a nuclear Iran, by containment

as you saw here a few days ago.

And then Sheridan adds, exactly as I speculated,
This is the giant story of the past few weeks which the world has largely missed, distracted by the theatre of the absurd of Obama's contrived and mock confrontation with Israel over [new housing] in a Jewish suburb in East Jerusalem. Iran is the only semi-intelligible explanation for Obama's bizarre over-reaction against the Israelis.

Sheridan, an Australian, doesn't deal with the internal reason for Obama's shirking his responsibility to defend Israel against Iran: Democrats simply won't entertain the idea of sanctioning war over a Middle Eastern country's defiance of the international community and U.N. resolutions. For the party now in power, it's too much like Iraq.

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