Monday, June 01, 2009

Sotomayor’s Pandora Box

In a strange ironic twist, Obama nominated a Latina to further his well-honed mastery of special interest politics, and the nomination is coming back to bite him because it is so blatantly racial, even though Sotomayor is highly qualified and will be confirmed.

People, not just white males, are fed up with identity politics.

Here’s more. This from conservative commentator Victor Davis Hanson:

the perpetuators of the present system--mostly elite whites--find some sort of psychological absolution in . . . a system that allows them to alleviate guilt without living among poorer people of color, or sending their own children to the "diverse" public schools--two concrete steps that might quickly indeed ensure better neighborhoods and better education for the "other." In any case, most white elites count on their own connections, wealth, and education, to find exemptions from the unfairness of racial identification. A Ted Kennedy, after all, had affirmative action well before it was based on race.

Unfortunately. . . President Obama has embraced identity politics in unprecedented fashion--and we are reaping what he has sown. In these first days of the Sotomayor nomination, we are not discussing Justice Sotomayor's judicial competence as much as her Latina identification--and the political ramifications of such tribalism.

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