Saturday, August 25, 2007

Clinton's Secretary of State: Richard Holbrooke

Bloomberg News’ Janine Zacharia, sheds light, indirectly, on the likelihood Richard Holbrooke [pictured] will be Clinton’s Secretary of State. Bloomberg interviewed Zbigniew Brzezinski, now 79 and well past the age when Zbig himself could aspire to the position. Zbig hit Zbig's big time in the Carter administration (1977-81) as Carter’s national security advisor, when he engaged in an often-petty battle to control foreign policy with Secretary of State Cyrus Vance, Holbrooke’s boss at the time.

Zbig tells Bloomberg that—gasp!—Barack Obama has a better global grasp than his chief rival, Hillary Clinton. According to Brzezinski,
Obama “recognizes that the challenge is a new face, a new sense of direction, a new definition of America's role in the world,'' and
“Obama is clearly more effective and has the upper hand.'' So, Zbig says, he is supporting Obama. Zbig goes on to dismiss the notion that Clinton is more seasoned than Obama. “Being a former first lady doesn't prepare you to be president.”

Yeah. Like being an Illinois state senator does.

Here’s what’s going on. Zacharia says Clinton relies on Holbrooke, an old “Friend of Bill,” for foreign policy advice. Since Holbrooke knows Zbig all too well, Brzezinski grasps there will be no place for him in a Clinton administration—even as an unpaid advisor. That makes Obama the best remaining shot Zbig has for influence in the next Democratic administration. It’s as good a signal as you’ll get 15 months out that Holbrooke’s already won the Secretary of State sweepstakes.

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