Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain Scores

“[In picking a vice president,] the primary responsibility is to select one who will immediately take your place if necessary”

--John McCain, November 28, 2007

OK, that was yesterday’s wisdom. As I have written, Obama goofed, and it was up to McCain—blessed with the opportunity to go second—to capitalize on Obama’s error of bypassing a female in the year Clinton produced 50% of the electoral excitement. I’m so impressed McCain did what he had to do: pick a woman. Palin is better than Hutchinson (a Washington insider) or Firoina (discharged CEO). Good going, John!

Here are three reasons, from many, McCain did right:


"Barack Obama should have begged Hillary Rodham Clinton to be on his Democratic ticket. John McCain may well be about to bring that chilling fact home to Barack Obama."

--Tennessee Guerilla Women (a blog)

Obama proved too weak to take the Clintons on board; his weakness contrasts with Kennedy’s strength in 1960, when JFK added near enemy Lyndon Johnson to his ticket in order to win (Reagan did the same with Bush 41 in 1980).


“McCain has to be bold and daring and take the election away from the Democrats. . . Pawlenty is safe in a year when McCain needs to be bold.”

--Jay Cost


[Palin] gives fence-sitting whites who feel they ‘ought’ to vote for Obama because of the historic nature of his candidacy an excuse to find history on the other side”

--Noah Millman


W.C. Varones said...

Agreed. Palin is awesome. I hate John McCain, but the Palin pick will probably get me to vote for him.

Mike Hu said...

What I like best is McCain running as a "maverick" Republican and choosing another maverick Republican to get beyond the toxic partisanship the media seems to delight in enflaming, while I think maybe McCain sees beyond that better than anybody else that there is a longing for a greater sense of community than increasing sectarianism that has been the bane everywhere else in the world.

Maybe Obama sees it too but is more a captive to the radical extremist groups like MoveOn and the anarchists who demand this eternal sectarian divisions and warfare to feed their essentially anti-human/social agendas.