Friday, October 13, 2006

Boots on the Ground

Call to Duty: Boots on the Ground

--U.S. Army Vision (video here)

inductive reasoning is [when] the premises of an argument support the conclusion but do not ensure it. (Wikipedia)

I have written about how most of the elite views facts through a liberal prism. Wanting the U.S. to lose in Iraq, they see defeat everywhere. Inductive reasoning.

The military is one part of the elite that sides with conservatives. Perhaps partly for this reason, most of the elite has only limited sympathy for the U.S. military or its missions. Post-9/11, our heroes are firefighters, the military honored are those whose death or injuries have removed them from killing Iraqis, and military crimes like Abu Ghraib and Haditha emerge as the norm.

These brave soldiers and marines fighting in Iraq suffer because of liberal hatred of Bush. Of course from the liberal perspective, Bush stole the presidency, went to war in Iraq to wrap the 2004 election in the American flag, and the military are casualties of Bush’s political ambition. Liberals want the military to lose in Iraq. The faster the military loses, the fewer of them will die. But lose they must. Because Bush's Iraq war is illegal, immoral, and stupid.

Looking for defeat, liberals find it everywhere. In the war’s early days, the media obsessed on how long it was taking to get to Baghdad. Remember the sand in the tank motors? Then it was transfixed by the looting of Iraq’s national treasures. Then by the failure to find WMD or Saddam. Then by civilian deaths suffered by the UN and private humanitarian organizations. Then by Abu Ghraib. Then the failure to form a government. Then the sectarian violence. Then the lack of an elected government. Now the civil war between Sunnis and Shia militias in Baghdad, with Haditha along the way.

All the deaths. So many dead. Well, in 1968, more Americans died in nine weeks in Vietnam than have fallen in Iraq since the war began.

But you know what? In the end, it comes down to the facts. Are we winning or not? Liberals say we are losing. Were we winning, liberals would be descredited. Right now, they aren’t.

It’s 1864, Lincoln desperately needs a victory, and to carry over the analogy to Iraq, Sherman has yet to take Atlanta. The military has a job to do. Here’s one person who hopes they succeed. In my eyes, they truly are a bunch of heroes.

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